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A Message on COVID-19 from Garden Heights

*As of Monday, March 23rd, our store is closed until further notice in order to promote the health and safety of our customers and employees. We wish you and your family the best during this challenging time.

Dear Valued Customers and Friends,

We understand the great impact of the unfolding events of COVID-19 and how it might be affecting your family and our community during this challenging time. At Garden Heights, we seek to do everything possible to promote the safety and well-being of our customers. I am continuing to monitor this situation closely at Garden Heights and promise regular communication regarding how we are taking action.

We have implemented extra measures throughout the nursery to safeguard your health as our customers. We have been emphasizing good hygiene, extra hand washing, frequent cleaning of surfaces and hand sanitizing, and encouraging employees to stay home if they show any signs of illness. We seek to support our customers and employees by regularly modeling the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control and local government and health authorities.

With these measures in place, our doors are open and we hope to provide you support as you navigate any changes that COVID-19 brings. While at our nursery, we encourage practicing social distancing while still enjoying all of the varieties of plants available in the greenhouse and outside.

We know that there are many uncertainties right now, and likewise we also know that many people find stress relief and joy through gardening and caring for the plants in their home. Our greenhouse is open, and we also encourage you to garden with your family as you seek to fill time and manage changing schedules.

Some of our favorite activities for the family include building terrariums, starting plants from seed, or beautifying your yard outside together by adding spring annuals or bulbs. All of these activities are full of learning opportunities and also encourage the family to enjoy nature while at home. We would be glad to help you come up with the perfect project to help your family pass time and de-stress by beautifying your surroundings.

We are here for you and promise to keep you updated on the measures we are taking to promote health and safety at Garden Heights in the coming weeks. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 314-645-7333, or email me at


Louis D’Agrosa


Garden Heights Nursery


Nov 07

Thanks for the valuable information. Really appreciate it. URL


han gu
han gu
Oct 17

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