gardening resources

check out these resources we know and love.
perennial gardening links
GROW NATIVE: A great organization and source for native gardening.
ST. LOUIS AUDUBON SOCIETY: Urban habitat restoration program with resources on how to preserve and bring wildlife conservation to your own backyard.
MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN: We're lucky to have the Missouri Botanical Garden right here at home. As a huge research institution, MOBOT is a great resource for plants and gardening. For a detailed list of all native trees and plant information, visit their website, or better yet, visit the garden!
POLLINATOR GARDEN MENU CARD: Use Missouri Prairie Foundation's Pollinator Menu Card to plant a combination of perennials to attract pollinators through Spring, Summer, and Fall! Click here to download their guide!
RITTER PERENNIALS: Our perennial grower! Check out their website for specific information on their plants.
LOCAL GROWN PLANTS: Find locally grown plants.
PERENNIAL RESOURCE: For inspiration and information on perennial gardening.
PROVEN WINNERS: Hybrid varieties of flowering plants.
PLANTS OF MERIT: Great plants selected by the Kemper Center for Home Gardening staff at Missouri Botanical Garden
PERENNIAL PLANT ASSOCIATION: Outstanding perennials honored by the Perennial Plant Association.
THE TRIAL GARDENS AT UGA: Plants tested for heat and drought tolerance.
AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY: Hosta information and awards.
RESOURCE: WHY ISN'T MY HYDRANGEA BLOOMING? Download our hydrangea bloom guide here!
horticultural organizations
FEDERATED GARDEN CLUBS OF MISSOURI: Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri, Inc., is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC) whose national headquarters is located in St. Louis, MO. There are 104 affiliated garden clubs with 2240 members in Missouri.
RICHMOND HEIGHTS GARDEN CLUB: RHGC is a Non-Profit organization that’s supports local to international charities, as well as a scholarship to the Horticultural Program at Meramec Community College.
NATIONAL GARDENING ASSOCIATION: Great resource for gardening and plant information.
AMERICAN COMMUNITY GARDENING ASSOCIATION: ACGA offers a range of services and programs to help your community garden succeed.
AMERICAN FERN SOCIETY: With over 900 members worldwide, the American Fern Society is one of the largest international fern clubs in the world. It was established in 1893 with the objective of fostering interest in ferns and fern allies.
AMERICAN IRIS SOCIETY: The Mission of The American Iris Society is to organize and disseminate knowledge of the genus Iris, while fostering its preservation, enjoyment and continued development.
WEBSTER GROVES HERB SOCIETY: WGHS provides student scholarships in herb-related studies, makes donations to community projects, donates plants and member hands-on help in maintaining the herb gardens at Hawken House in Webster Groves, Mudd’s Grove in Kirkwood, and the History Village Herb Garden at Faust Park in Chesterfield. These gardens are open to the public and showcase the herbs that grow so well in this region.
GATEWAY GREENING: A wonderful St. Louis organization devoted to educating and empowering our community through urban agriculture. A great resource for how-to videos and a great Vegetable Planting Guide.
AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The American Horticultural Society (AHS) is one of the oldest national gardening organizations in the country. It has been a trusted source of high quality gardening and horticultural information.
NATIONAL GARDEN BUREAU: A non-profit organization which disseminates accurate information on gardening from seed.
AMERICAN IVY SOCIETY: The American Ivy Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the genus
Hedera through education and promotion.
vegetable gardening
OLD FARMERS ALMANAC: has an updated frost chart as well as spring planting dates. As we know, St. Louis weather is unpredictable. Old Farmer's Almanac dates are about 50% accurate and and should be used as a general guideline.
GATEWAY GREENING: A wonderful St. Louis organization devoted to educating and empowering our community through urban agriculture. A great resource for how-to videos and a great Vegetable Planting Guide.
JOHNNY'S SEEDS: offers many free planning tools such as a seed calculator, target harvest date, fall planting calendar, seed planting calendar, and succession planting calculator.
PEST CONTROL LIBRARY: The National Gardening Association provides a wonderful pest control library where you can search symptoms and get information on treating pests.
COMPANION PLANTING: The natural way to garden. How to pair plants for mutual benefits.
RODALE ORGANIC LIFE: Home, garden, food, and lifestyle
RODALE INSTITUTE: Promoting organic and healthy lifestyle tips and how-tos
MOTHER EARTH NEWS: A guide to organic living
BACKYARD GARDENER: Home gardening information and tips
gardening publications
GATEWAY GARDENER: St. Louis gardening publication
RODALE ORGANIC LIFE: Home, garden, food, and lifestyle
Professional trade organizations
GATEWAY PROFESSIONAL HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION: Encourage an exchange of ideas among professional horticulturists in the St. Louis area, the Gateway Professional Horticulturist Association strives to inform and educate its members and to promote quality and professionalism in the horticultural field. Membership is open to those currently employed in the fields of landscape design, installation and maintenance on commercial and non-commercial sites.
LANDSCAPE AND NURSERY ASSOCIATION OF GREATER ST. LOUIS: Serving to lead the cooperative exchange of responsible knowledge and beneficial information intended to achieve landscape and garden excellence in the Gateway region.
HORTICULTURE CO-OP: The Horticulture Co-op of Metro St. Louis is a non-profit professional green industry association organized to promote quality horticultural practices and materials by providing contemporary educational experiences for green industry professionals and consumers in the Gateway region.
MISSOURI LANDSCAPE AND NURSERY ASSOCIATION: The Missouri Landscape & Nursery Association is the preeminent Green Industry Organization that provides education, networking opportunity and communication for the Green Industry Professional through membership and certification while promoting professionalism, integrity, environmental stewardship and a positive image to the general public.